İngilis dili fənni üzrə metodbirləşmə sədri
İearn-nın Azərbaycandakı kordinatoru
Bir sıra tədbirlərdə və seminarlarda iştirak edib:
- 2013- Oreqon universiteti tərəfində onlayn təşkil olunmuş- Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web
- 2012- Shaping the Way We Teach English Webinar -onlayn kurs
- 2010 Primary Teacher Training – onlayn kurs
- 2009 Britaniya səfirliyi və Təhsil Nazirliyinin birgə təşkilatı ilə English Global Productsprogram
- 2002,2003,2004- Britaniya səfirliyi və Təhsil Nazirliyinin birgə təşkilatı ilə İNSETT proqramı
- 1998- Oxfordda yay məktəbi
- 2009- İlin ən yaxşı müəllimi
- 2004- PİE
- 2002,2003,2004- TEA
Samadova Irada Rafi has been working as an English teacher for 27 years, first at school # 164, from 2008 up to present at the lyceum named after academician Zarifa Aliyeva.
In 2013 she took a 2 month online course at the University of Oregon “Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web”.
In 2009 she was nominated a “Best Teacher” award by the Ministry of Education.
In 2004 – 2008 years participated in the Deliberating in Democracy program on exchange program between Azerbaijan and US schools.
Since 2006 up to 2014 she has been an outreach British Council trainer.
In 2003-2005 took an INSETT training course run by the British Council and the Ministry of Education.
She was awarded Teacher Excellence Award in 2001, 2002, 2003 by the American Councils. In 2004 was a finalist of the program Partners in Education and spent six weeks at the University of Nebraska on the citizenship program.
Head of English department.